To make a donation that is tax-deductible in Germany, please visit this website (German version).
Starting on November 29, Effektiv Spenden is managing all tax-deductible donations for Swiss taxpayers. To make a donation to a wide range of EA charities, please click below:
We are not receiving any new donations but will still regrant any donations we receive until the end of 2021. If you are a recurring monthly donor or donated in 2021, you will receive an email from us shortly with further details. If you have any questions, please get in touch at donate@ea-foundation.org. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Frequently Asked Questions
EAF sends a single receipt via email at the beginning of the year, which includes all your donations in the preceding year, as long as your donations totaled at least 100.– and were made to EAF directly. We can only issue receipts if all fields in the registration form – including the address field – were filled out. Donation receipts are issued in the name of the account holder from which the donation is made. If you don’t get your receipt by February, contact us at donate@ea-foundation.org. Keep in mind that a donation is included in a given year if we receive the donation in that year, independently of when you make the transfer. Please keep this in mind for donations via bank transfer made in late December, since they could reach our accounts in January.